Report 2016

Economic Policy Council Report 2016

The Report 2016 of the Economic Policy Council was published on 24.1.2017. The report evaluates the economic policy over the parliamentary term 2015-2019. The topics analysed include the government’s fiscal policy, fiscal rules, employment policy and the wage negotiation system.

Background reports

Tomi Kyyrä (VATT), Hanna Pesola (VATT) ja Aarne Rissanen (VATT)
Unemployment Insurance in Finland: A Review of Recent Changes and Empirical Evidence on Behavioral Responses

Jari Vainionmäki (Tampereen yliopisto):
The development of wage dispersion and wage rigidity in Finland, pdf

Petri Böckerman (PT), Tuomas Kosonen (PT), Terhi Maczulskij (PT), Henri Keränen (PT)
Job Market (In)flexibility, pdf

Johannes Herala (Oulun yliopisto), Santtu Karhinen (Oulun yliopisto), Suvi Orenius (Oulun yliopisto), Jaakko Simonen (Oulun yliopisto) ja Rauli Svento (Oulun yliopisto)
Luova tuho – tie eteenpäin: Oulu äkillisen rakennemuutoksen alueena, pdf

Dominik Hangartner (LSE) ja Matti Sarvimäki (Aalto and VATT)
Dealing with the Refugee Crisis: Policy Lessons from Economics and Political Science, pdf

Annika Nivala (Turun yliopisto)
Effects of subsidizing the first employee – Empirical evidence from Finland, pdf

Jussi Huuskonen (Talouspolitiikan arviointineuvosto):
Considering Potential Bias in Macro-estimates of the Elasticity of Labour Demand, pdf