Economic Policy Council 2023 report publication and seminar on Wed 24.1.

Economic Policy Council will publish its annual report on the government’s economic policy on January 24, 2024. An open seminar will be held for anyone interested in the report. The seminar is held in Finnish. Economic Policy Council will publish its annual report on the government’s economic policy on January 24, 2024. The report will […]

Economic Policy Council’s Background Report: Previous estimates for productivity growth in Finland have been too optimistic

A recent background report from the Finnish Economic Policy Council shows that forecasts of Finland’s economic growth prospects have been over-optimistic, especially in times of crisis. Forecasts for Finland’s key trading partners, Sweden and Germany, have exhibited much smaller forecasting errors. Finland is committed to the European Union’s common fiscal rules, which are expressed in […]

Economic Policy Council publishes annual report and holds a seminar Wed 1.2.

Economic Policy Council will publish its annual report on the economic policy of the government and fiscal sustainability on February 1, 2023. An open seminar will be held for anyone interested in the report and themes such as green transition. Economic Policy Council will publish its annual report on the economic policy of the government […]

Finnish Economic Policy Council background report: Lump-sum transfers are the most effective way to address unequal fuel tax burdens to low-income households

According to a background report for the Finnish Economic Policy Council, lump-sum transfers are better at improving the equity of fuel taxation compared to reductions in income or fuel taxes. Tax reductions would disproportionately benefit high-income households. Furthermore, reductions in fuel taxes could create harmful incentives to increase driving. Excise taxes on fuels are the […]